Agility and Beyond is proud to host agility training at Infinity Farms, a new agility facility located in Shamong, NJ. Take a look at the calendar to see upcoming seminars, run-thrus and trails. Weekly lessons are available, contact Diane to get on her schedule.
Thinking Puppy Class
Dates: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 11/30, 12/7
Monday Nights
Email Diane Goodspeed to register for the next session, [email protected]
We will be building critical life skills and encouraging your puppy to explore and develop whole-body awareness. The main topics are…
1 – Basics of Shaping
2 – Life Skills
3 – Create a Learning Foundation
4 – Body Awareness
5 – Play Time!
International Handling Class
Dates: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 11/30, 12/7
Monday Nights
Email Diane Goodspeed to register for the next session, [email protected]
This class will challenge handlers on international style courses. You’ll explore complex sequences with a variety of handling plans, and build new skills to navigate international challenges. You can expect to use and train backsides, threadles, layers, and more!